Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kitchen Gadgets addiction...

The Beaterblade +
I love kitchen gadgets. I have a draw full of them in all shapes and sizes but when I saw this I just knew I had to have just one more to add to my addiction. My KA is old some of you may already have this beater style with your newer KA edition.

The BeaterBlade continuously beats, scrapes, folds and mixes clean like a squeegee — with a patented, wiper-blade design that eliminates hand-scraping bowls, batter build-up, and unmixed contents. It’s a holiday must for cookies, cakes, frostings, meatloaf, mashed potatoes — you name it. And it cuts mixing time by as much as 50%! Dishwasher-safe. Rubber and metal. Made in the USA. This comes in two sizes for your KA's.

So now I am hanging out at my front door waiting for the UPS person to deliver my new gadget so that I can perform my FLOUR POWER!


  1. Hmm..why do I think my Kitchenaid has one of these thingys!!

  2. Oh how I love gadgets! This one looks like a jack of all gadgets. Did you get it from my favorite gizmo place, Amazon? Let us know how it works out!

  3. Yes, I want to know where you got that gadget. I have a kitchen aide,but it didn't come with a blade like that one. Have a beautiful week.

  4. I am aquarius. We are known for loving our gadgets. I do have that blade on my brand new Kitchenaid mixer. I am so in love with my mixer. I am glad you are getting this blade. You're going to love it!!

  5. Okay gotta know where you got this gadget from...I love that it's a beater and remover of all things from inside the looks great and I have to have one!! I can tell you are going to be a bad influence on me....

  6. Hi Joyce! OH, congratulations on your new gadget! That sounds wonderful! I just have a silly little hand mixer. I know, it's awful isn't it? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  7. My husband tells me the cooking channel says if I haven't used a gadget in 3 months, I should throw it away....silly man :)


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